New Customs Eastern Region Leadership Meets Malaba Clearing Fratanity

New Customs Eastern Region Leadership Meets Malaba Clearing Fratanity

On Wednesday the 29th/05/2024, the Manager Eastern region together with the leadership team at Malaba One Stop Border Post (OSBP) met with Customs Agents under their umbrella body Malaba Customs Agents Association.

The meeting aimed at formerly introducing the new Manger Customs Eastern region-Henry Kwaligonza and the new supervisors of the Malaba OSBP-Jimmy Oluka and Arthur Muhanguzi and as well as gnarr feedback from the Clearing fraternity on the operations and any challenges in faced.

Sireka Peter-chairman of the Malaba Customs Agents Association appreciated Customs for the cordial working relationship and encouraged that the same be maintained.

He also welcomed the new leadership and pledged to work together noting particularly that the regional manager had returned “home” given his previous experiences within the region. Sireka further encouraged the Agents to always be part of such meetings noting that they offer a direct channel for them to relay their concerns.

Issues raised from the meeting include; The seemingly persistent Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) like the issue of drivers still being asked to produce COVID19 certificates and the need for an update on the progress of the Malaba dryland port(yard). 

This is in addition to delays from the Transit Monitoring Unit (TMU) validation team in terms of transits that have been queried, frequent system downtimes and need for better client service standards from the officers among others.

In his remarks, Kwaligonza thanked the Agents for their role in contributing to the success of the Customs business and uphold professionalism and continue to enroll for Continuous Development Programs. He explained that this will increase their knowledge of the emerging situations given the diversifying nature of the business/international trade globally.

“As the new Malaba leadership we are going to work hard to address the issue raised inorder to streamline and ensure a smooth trade facilitation experience at the OSBP because it is the busiest Customs Border,” he said.

In his concluding remarks, he expressed his excitement for returning to the region and together with the current leaders at the Malaba OSBP.

Correspondence by Jimmy Oluka, Malaba Customs.

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