UNBS, TMA sign usd 1.5m partner support agreement to Support Agro-Industrial MSMES

UNBS, TMA sign usd 1.5m partner support agreement to Support Agro-Industrial MSMES

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The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has signed a USD 1.5million (approximately UGX 5.5billion) Partnership Support Agreement with Trade Mark Africa (TMA) to boost UNBS’ capacity in supporting standardisation of agro-industrial products by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). 

The development is in line with the UNBS mandate of strengthening the economy of Uganda by assuring the quality of locally manufactured products to enhance the competitiveness of exports in regional and international markets, and Trade Mark Africa’s goal of providing support to enhance trade facilitation and regulatory standards.

During the signing ceremony at the UNBS head offices in Bweyogerere, the TMA Country Director, Ms. Anna Nambooze cited the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor that ranks Uganda among the top five entrepreneurial nations, and the State of Entrepreneurship Monitor launched in Uganda in 2024, which indicates that MSMEs are the majority enterprises in Uganda, thus, the bloodline of Uganda’s business sector. However, while many businesses are established, their growth requires greater support.

“The government has made it easier to start-up businesses, but supportive systems to guide these MSMEs through their growth journey remains insufficient. To boost Uganda’s exports, capacity building for MSMEs is critical to appreciate standards and integrate them into their operations from inception.” Ms. Nambooze said.

The UNBS Executive Director Eng. James Kasigwa appreciated Trade Mark Africa for the timely support noting that it has come at a time when UNBS is working with a new value proposition of growing quality MSMEs by handholding them to meet the quality standards. The aim is to support market access and competitiveness of Ugandan made products on the local and international markets. 

“In the next 5 years, we are going to grow MSMEs and strengthen their ability to supply the domestic and export market. This will boost industrialisation, import substitution and export promotion in line with National Development Plan IV and the ten-fold strategy of growing Uganda’s economy from USD 50billion to USD 500 billion by 2040. We need to be intentional about building Uganda.” Eng. Kasigwa said.

The twelve-month Partner Support Agreement worth over USD 1.5million (approximately UGX 5.5Billion) will among others, facilitate capacity building through;

UNBS is grateful to Trade Mark Africa and their partners that include the Danish Government through the DANIDA Uganda Trade Support Project, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) through the Standards Partnership Project and the European Union’s Uganda-DRC Peaceful and Resilient Borderlands Project, for the support.

About UNBS

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a Government Agency responsible for developing, promoting and enforcing standards in protection of Public Health and Safety, and the Environment against harmful, sub-standard products; ensuring fairness in trade and precision in industry through reliable measurement systems; and Strengthening the economy of Uganda by assuring the quality of locally manufactured products through product and systems certification to enhance the competitiveness of exports in regional and international markets.

About TMA

TradeMark Africa (TMA) is a leading African Aid-for-Trade organisation, founded in 2010 with the mission to grow intra-African trade and increase Africa’s share in global trade, while helping make trade more inclusive and environmentally sustainable. Our focus on reducing the cost and time of trading across borders through enhanced trade policy, better trade infrastructure, standards that work for businesses, greater use of digital innovations and a focus on creating trade access for vulnerable groups, has contributed to lower cargo transit times, improved border efficiency, and reduced trade barriers. TMA currently covers 14 countries across East and the Horn of Africa, to Southern and West Africa. Get details via; www.trademarkafrica.com

For more information, please contact:

Sylvia Kirabo,

Principal Public Relations Officer,

Telephone: 256 417 333250 / 0703 196903
