URA automates Authorized Economic Operator systems

URA automates Authorized Economic Operator systems

The recent one-week AEO -ERMS piloting workshop for fifteen selected companies at URA headquarters in Nakawa paved the way for the automation of systems.

Uganda Revenue Authority ( URA) is equipping the Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) in Enterprise Risk Management practices (ERMS).

The recent one-week AEO -ERMS piloting workshop for fifteen selected companies at URA headquarters in Nakawa paved the way for the automation of systems.

Abel Kagumire, the URA’s Commissioner for Customs department said the AEO system has been manual with all associated problems such as loss of paper documents, and delays, among others.

He said AEO was established in line with the World Customs Organization (WCO) safe framework of Standards supporting supply chain security by rewarding non-risky international trade supply chain players accountable with minimal risks they pose along the supply chain.

“URA has so far accredited 121 national and 39 regional AEOs that had contributed 33% of Revenue collection as of 30th June this year,” said Kagumire.

He said they want the number of AEOs to be increased to 200 by the close of this year for enhancement of voluntary compliance in tax remittance.

He said the AEO  project entered into two mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) with South African Revenue Services (Stars)  and the State Taxation Administration of the Republic of China.

“This means that AEOs in Uganda are recognised in China and South Africa and are availed with all the befits of AEO ERMS in the two countries,” said Kagumire.

James Malinzi, the URA’s Assistant Commissioner for Customs Audit said aid AEO -ERMS is intended to automate the AEO functions and processes and other support functions which include the post-clearance audit and compliance and business analysis.

Read original article: https://www.trademarkafrica.com/news/ura-automates-authorized-economic-operator-systems/

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